Lerina Garcia Gordo: The woman from another universe?

"Hi, my name is Luz, I'm 41 years old and I think I've jumped into a parallel universe."

The date was 16/7/2008, the time 6:38 pm when Lerina Garcia Gordo, a Spanish 41-year-old woman, posted her introduction to the world on an online forum.
Her post, uploaded in her native language, told the story of how one morning she awoke to discover something was not quite right.

It started with her noticing the bedsheets she had been sleeping in differed from the ones she had fallen asleep in the night before. Followed by her discovering her car was no longer in the private car park; even the car park was no longer where it was supposed to be! It was now on the opposite side of the road; her car parked elsewhere.
Even with these bizarre differences, Lerina had to brush them off and get ready to go to work, the job where she had worked for the past twenty years.

Arriving at work, she soon noticed that it wasn't just her bedsheets changing or her car mysteriously moving throughout the night that she couldn't explain; now she stood at her office door that was no longer her office door.
She stared at a nameplate with a name written on it she did not recognise.
Her I.D badge for her department was no longer working; she soon realised that her badge worked elsewhere within the building, indicating she still worked there, but now found herself working at another department within the company.
Obviously, at this point, Lerina was beyond confused and very frightened and quickly left and made her way to see a doctor.
At the doctors' office, the doctor tested Lerina for alcohol and drugs in her blood system. Both were negative.

Later Lerina discovered more unexplainable changes unfolding before her.
Her ex-boyfriend, was once again her boyfriend, even though they had parted ways 6-months prior.
He claimed she had never left him.
The man that Lerina claimed she had been in a relationship with for the past 4-months had vanished!
She tried everything to find him! She made her way to his apartment to find it empty; nothing to indicate he ever lived there.
Eventually, Lerina hired a private investigator to try and find him.
The investigator soon concluded that this mysterious man did not exist!

Along with some life-changing differences of having a past lover back in her life, it was the little things that Lerina noticed that had changed as well.
From some clothes in her wardrobe, she did not remember purchasing; blog posts from an unreleased radio show and remembering things that her family and friends were adamant did not happen!
She remembered her sister having surgery on her shoulder just a few months earlier; her sister recalled no such operation.

For the next five months, Lerina searched for answers to her predicament, browsing the internet for possible theories and visiting a psychiatrist who concluded her condition could have been the strain of great stress in her life. Believing she was sane and had no prior mental illnesses, Lerina became convinced the only explanation was that somehow her consciousness had shifted into another reality while she had been sleeping.
This new reality was very close to her own but wasn't home sweet home.

Below is the original post loosely translated into English. With nowhere else to turn, Lerina posted on an online forum, sharing her story with the world in the hope to find others with a similar tale to tell and a possible resolution to what happened to her.

The original post from Lerina (loosely translated into English). Source https://gospiritual.wordpress.com/2017/05/23/lerina-garcia-gordos-original-post

Lerina's original post has been translated into many languages since, with over 23,600 results of her name in the Google search engine.
However, her account of a dimensional shift isn't the only story of what appears to be cracks in the space-time continuum; it's only one of many you'll find on the internet! 

Other famous cases include The Man from Taured, a man who walked into customs at an airport with a passport, papers and I.D from Taured, a country that did not exist!
Customs officials detained the man while immigration could resolve the matter of where this stranger originated.
Customs confiscated the man's documents and kept them locked away; secure. While the man himself stayed in a hotel room, guarded throughout the night.
The following morning the stranger from a strange land had vanished!
What was even more baffling to airport security; is that the man's documents, locked away, had also disappeared!

Another disturbing tale was from four girls who found themselves suddenly stuck in a terrifying dimension.
After a night out, the four students were driving home down Utah Highway 56, wanting to get home before their landlady would lock them out for the night.
The driver of the vehicle decided to take a short cut.
Suddenly the asphalt of the road turned into broken concrete, the scenes of the desert turned into lush fields, a giant lake with the moonlight shimmering off it, on what was supposed to be a moonless night.
Ahead the girls noticed a bright light; it appeared to be some roadhouse.
Pulling up to this building, the girls soon had a gut feeling they were somewhere where they weren't supposed to be.
While the girls observed the unique looking structure, taking notice of the neon sign written in an unfamiliar text, a group of tall beings burst out of the building, yelling and waving their arms at the girls.
These beings were not human!
The terrified girls jumped back into the car and sped off as fast as they could, but soon saw lights approaching them.
The beings were pursuing them in strange-looking vehicles shaped like an egg. The girls drove as fast as they could until they suddenly sped off the road and crashed, but luckily for them, no one was seriously hurt; even more lucky was that the desert had returned and the vehicles chasing them had vanished.
They were back where they belonged.

So what are the possible explanations for these tales of the multiverse?
Was Lerina Garcia Gordo suffering from some mental breakdown or perhaps some form of amnesia that made her remember things slightly differently?
Or do we exist in a multiverse? 
The equations in quantum mechanics open up the possibility of a multiverse, with many physicists believing the big bang didn't just create our universe but an endless supply!
With limitless possibilities, some of these universes could be identical to our own. Some might only be slightly different; some could be very different indeed.
If the multiverse does exist, then it appears there are ways to travel to other realms both physically and mentally.
The Man from Taured was in our universe one minute and gone the next and the four girls driving home one night, suddenly finding themselves trapped elsewhere, suggest there may be rips in time and space where it is possible to find yourself in another dimension.
As for Lerina Garcia Gordo, she eventually followed up on her original post, shown below.

Lerina finally followed up her post in 2014, with a grim view of the world and possibly suggesting we live in a holographic universe. Source https://gospiritual.wordpress.com/2017/05/23/update-lerina-garci-gordos-follow-up-post

From her original post, Lerina received over 6000 emails.
Most were just curious to learn more about her story, but she claims 300 of these emails have helped her come to terms with her experience.
Some of these emails share experiences similar to her own.
Some are even more incredible than her story.

The rest of her last post was more about where this journey had taken her.
The post painted a bleak view of our reality.
That we live in a cruel universe; where the majority of people are monstrous and that we're made up of zeros and ones; that we are binary!
Was she suggesting the simulation hypothesis?
A hypothesis that most modern scientists believe could be a high possibility of being our reality.
That the universe we live, is just a simulation and that we are all computer code; maybe this is why people are shifting from one universe to another.
Perhaps it's just a glitch in the system.


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